Who is the valorization program for?
To encourage innovation and accelerated development of new technologies for the Einstein Telescope (ET), the ET valorization program was launched in the fall of 2023. Part of this program is an R&D scheme for high-tech companies. €12.085 million is available for this purpose. The scheme is open to individual companies and partnerships (consortia) around five technology domains relevant to the Einstein Telescope. The consortia can consist of startups and SMEs, large companies (corporates) and knowledge institutions.
By collaborating with these various parties, the scheme hopes to foster cooperation between different players in the innovation ecosystem and accelerate the development of breakthrough technologies. This includes looking at applications and uses in other areas and sectors. The valorization program is part of the National Growth Fund.
Implementation ET valorization program
Regional development agency for Limburg LIOF is leading the national effort, also on behalf of the Ministries of EZK and OCW and Nikhef. With three service points at the regional development companies BOM (Brabant), InnovationQuarter (South Holland) and Oost NL (East Netherlands), connections are being sought nationwide with high-tech ecosystems around the technical universities and consortia are being built together with industry and knowledge institutions. The aim of the program is to strengthen the candidacy for the arrival of the Einstein Telescope.
R&D arrangement
Want to know more about this R&D scheme? Then click here.
Minister Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science:
This arrangement helps position the Netherlands even more as an international hub of technological progress
Other activities ET valorization program
Several so-called 'doorkijksessies' will take place in 2024. These sessions are an important event leading up to a grant application. The session aims to clarify the issue and connect candidate high-tech companies with researchers in this domain. More info can be found here.
An advisory board consisting of members from the business community will look at innovation, market opportunities and networking.
In time, other activities such as networking events will take place from this program. Of course we will keep you informed via this platform!

About the National Growth Fund
With the National Growth Fund, the government is investing €20 billion between 2021 and 2025 in projects that will ensure long-term economic growth. These are targeted investments in two areas where there are the most opportunities for structural and sustainable economic growth. These are Knowledge Development and Research, Development and Innovation. The underlying idea is that economic growth also generates more income. This allows for continued investment in healthcare, education and the necessary measures to combat climate change. More information about the National Growth Fund and the Einstein Telescope can be found at here.